VDL Executive Vice President Theo Toussaint due to retire

VDL Executive Vice President Theo Toussaint due to retire

23 December 2020

After more than 36 years of service, Theo Toussaint will retire on 1 January 2021. Toussaint (67) will continue to be affiliated with VDL Groep.

Theo Toussaint joined VDL in 1984. His international knowledge and global network are a recurring theme in his career. For many years, Toussaint was involved as Executive Vice President in VDL companies operating internationally, such as VDL International, VDL Agrotech, VDL Technics, VDL Industrial Products, VDL Steelweld and VDL Bus & Coach.

In 1996, Toussaint joined VDL Groep’s deputy management team. Members of the deputy management team represent VDL companies on the management team and function as sparring partners for managing directors. In 2011, Theo Toussaint became a member of the Board of Management of VDL Groep. In his new role after retirement, he will continue to make his international network available to VDL Groep. As such, Toussaint will be involved in various activities, including the search for a new customer for VDL Nedcar and further strengthening VDL’s ‘smart’ mobility strategy.

Following the departure of Theo Toussaint, the Board of Management of VDL Groep will consist of Willem van der Leegte, Pieter van der Leegte, Jennifer van der Leegte, Jan Mooren and Paul van Vroonhoven. VDL plans to expand the Board of Management with Guustaaf Savenije and Paul van Vuuren, both members of the deputy management team at the present time. Savenije (63) and Van Vuuren (62) are currently Executive Vice Presidents of VDL ETG and VDL Nedcar, respectively. These appointments will go into effect once the regular internal procedures are completed. Once this is done, the successors to Savenije and Van Vuuren will be announced.

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